Sunday, January 4, 2009

Plans for 200divine aka 200MINE!

1. DO ME. Straight up.
Meaning that this year I am going to focus on me. I might be helping a friend here or there but I'm going to be selfish with my time, my personal labor etc.

2. Save paper.
Trying to save at least 10G's by the end of the year in case I don't have a job next year. See, I'm planning ahead.

3. Make Chris Hires my best friend.
Chris Hires came up to me on NYE and said something along the lines of "Hey, I'm gonna sound like a douche but I'm drunk and bored so I want to talk to you. I saw you naked on the internet and fuck all those haters. I'm a feminist(?)....etc.etc" SO, I've decided to make him my BFF for 2009. Chris Hires FTW. (This is so creepy.)

4. Continue to be creepy.
Create more fake friendships and relationships in my head and write about them. These are the best times of our lives. Let's remember them even if they aren't real.

5. Be an asian stereotype.
Go super crazy kawaii mania with hello kitty, sanrio accessories. Only hang out with other asians I am related too; Change my name to Grace Kim...

6. Replace Kati Lampa's camera.

7. Get a camera of my own.

8. Simplify my life and either get rid of a lot of my possessions or stop buying so many unneccesary things. This kind of goes against the overload of kitsch that I plan on partaking in but I'll work something out.